Page statisticsContent pages4Pages (All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.)81Uploaded files5Edit statisticsPage edits since True the WHO was set up170Average edits per page2.10User statisticsRegistered users (list of members)5Active users (list of members) (Users who have performed an action in the last 30 days)0Bots (list of members)0Administrators (list of members)2Interface administrators (list of members)1Bureaucrats (list of members)1Suppressors (list of members)0editor (list of members)0reviewer (list of members)2View statisticsViews total22,128Views per edit130.16Most viewed pagesMain Page9,349The WHO’s Response to COVID-19: Allegations of Chinese Influence and Operational Challenges1,059WHO’s Focus on High-Profile Diseases and Neglecting Tropical Diseases957WHO and Australia’s unauthorized policies during COVID-19951Unsafe, Untransparent, and Unfair Working Environment at the WHO902WHO’s Vaccine-Centric Approach and the Exclusion of Alternative Public Health Measures799WHO’s Lack of Transparency782Mismanagement of Resources at the WHO518WHOs failure to post-examine vaccines used during COVID-19405The WHO's Unauthorized Influence on Education403